Thrifty Thursday: Polka Dot Denim

I have been eyeing these pretty little things for some time! If you are a follower you know AG Jeans are my all time favorites. They are so so comfortable and fit perfect.

I played that little debate game in my head, wondering if these polka dot pants would be more of a trend then a staple. Honestly I still don’t know the answer but the good news is my decision making got a whole lot easier. This girl I follow on IG (@karlareed) found some at Target on Clearance for $13.98! AMAZING. 
Here’s the catch, they are girls denim, but if you are a size 24-27 you will fit in a 12-16 girls. Being all denim runs a little different in sizing here is the general range for sizing:
Size 12 = 24-25
Size 14 = 25-26
Size 16 = 26-27
Here is the link to order at Target
I just ordered mine this morning. Can’t wait to get them in the mail! 


xo, Christine
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8 thoughts on “Thrifty Thursday: Polka Dot Denim

  1. That is a great deal..They are really cute! Now you’re going to have me searching through the girls section of every store! lol

  2. Just ordered a pair…the 16’s are sold out so I got the 14’s. I’m 99% sure they won’t fit since my hips are not quite that of a girl who hasn’t had a baby but it was worth a try! =) Thanks for pointing them out!

  3. Love this! I just ordered a pair…I hope they fit, they were all out of 16’s. Thanks for keeping us all up to date on what is hot! I do not care if things stay as a trend, if it looks good and I feel good in it then who cares!!!!