I have frantically been trying to get out orders and pack and clean and get my life organized so I’ve been super bad at posting last couple days. Next week I will be back on my game! To catch up to date fashion finds while I’m out traveling or just see the shinangins going on in my life follow me on
Instagram: @christineandrew
Thanks so much for following!
Have a great weekend.
great pics! have a lovely weekend!
Love your outfit, and the little ones are adorable!
Okay I totally have the low top chucks in the same color! SLASH glad you are busy with orders and where are you traveling?
I NEED to know where that bathing suit is from! LOVE.
oh my. those shorts are INCREDIBLE.
The babies are so cute!! 🙂
Great pics!
I’m very late in asking this, but I love the bathing suit as well and would love to know where you got it from? didn’t see a reply on here from another user wanting to know! 🙂