Maxed Out

Top: F21
Skirt: F21 ** This skirt was only $24!
(no longer available online, check in stores or similar expensive version  here)
Sandals: TJ Maxx – MIA
Wallet/Clutch: ALDO
Watch: Michael Kors
Bracelets: J. Crew// F21

I know I have said it a couple times but Forever has the best maxi skirts right now. Mustard is such a great color. It is so versatile for Spring, Summer or Fall.

The kelly green necklace is another newbie to the shop! Another great statement piece to add to your jewelry collection 🙂

xo, Christine

Black vs. White

Top: Express
Denim: Gap
Shoes: Zara
Belt: F21
Bracelet: F21 (Necklace wrapped into bracelet)
Watch: Michael Kors
This necklace is one of our new summer colors. I love the bright white. It really makes an outfit pop. We got a couple other colors I will be styling this week, but you can see the new colors now on our new website (Remember free shipping for all blog followers! CODE: ILYSHIP)
If you have previously been keeping up with us on Etsy, be sure to go over to our new site and subscribe to receive our email so you can get coupons and updates on sales.  We are no longer uploading any of our new stuff on Etsy, everything will be primarily done on the new site so we can offer more to our followers. 
xo, Christine

Blush Rush

Dress: Forever 21
Shoes: TJ Maxx – Mia
Bag: H&M


This dress was one of those happy accidents. When I landed in LA last weekend for my friends wedding I realized I only packed one dress (my bridesmaid dress). Thus I had nothing to wear to the rehearsal dinner other than sweats! Traffic was so HORRIBLE I literally had 2 minutes to run into F21 and grab the 3 closest things to the door praying one of them would be cute. I actually fell in love with all 3 things which is rare! I never have any luck when I buy things straight off the rack. I guess the odds were just in my favor that day 🙂
xo, Christine

Leopard & Lavender: Busy Girls Brunch

Hey hey! Today I am excited to have my friend Kelli do a guest post about a yummy, easy weekend brunch. She is such a talented writer and has an adorable life and style blog. Go follow her on Leopard and Lavender to get more treats, inspiration, and fashion advice!

“Hello! I am Kelli from the blog Leopard and Lavender. L&L is my life and style blog, but I also contribute at The Conversation. On top of my blogging/writing, I have a full time job and an even fuller social calendar. I believe in making the most of each day, but sometimes to enjoy a day to the fullest… you just have to be a little lazy. Now, by lazy- I don’t mean snooze on the couch. I mean you have to accept that cutting corners here and there is okay! In fact, it provides more time for fun! 

Today, I want to show you the Busy Girl’s Brunch! One of my favorite things is brunching on the weekend, and my least favorite thing? Waiting for brunch to begin. I want to cut to the chase- mimosas and eating = priority. Cooking? Not so much. So I’ve crafted the quickest way you can get brunch on the table… so you can actually sit and ENJOY it. I adapted this recipe from my friend Lisa at With Style & Grace. I’ve tried her GF version with bacon [many times], and it is delicious.

For this particular post, I’ll show you my most recent version:
Ingredients: Pillsbury Crescent Rolls OR Crescent Seamless Dough Sheet Eggs Breakfast sausage [cooked] Cheese [your preference] Seasonings [your preference, I use Lawry’s]
Directions: Pre-heat the oven to 375, and coat a muffin tin with non-stick spray. Then, take the Crescent Rolls and roll them all out flat. Cut them into rounds to fill the muffin cups!
[Tip: This is why it is easier to  use the Seamless Dough Sheet, if you use the crescent shape, you’ll have to roll the sides up as shown in the photo.] You want the dough to cover the entirety of each muffin cup.

L&L brunch

Then, take the cooked sausage and cut it into small pieces. You can place two or three pieces in each cup.

L&L brunch

The amount of eggs to scramble is dependent on how many cups you’ve filled. If you use more dough for each cup, you’ll only have around 6 cups. If you spread it thinner, you can get about 8. The rule of thumb is to use 2 LESS EGGS than cups. [Tip: As the dough rises in the oven, the eggs can overflow- so go for a less is more approach.] Scramble the eggs, and season- I prefer Lawry’s Season Salt.

L&L brunch L&L brunch

Then, you’ll pour the eggs into each cup until almost full. You REALLY don’t want them to be full to the top, or they’ll overflow and your kitchen will be stinky!! Top each cup with cheese and a little extra seasoning, and bake for 20-25 minutes. Bake time can vary based on ingredients [you can add veggies or other meats], so check the egg cups for the final 5 minutes. Once they don’t “jiggle,” they’re done! As they’re baking, you have plenty of time to prepare any other treats or beverages. I like to have mimosas with strawberries or other fresh fruits. Another quick, easy, and shameless entree is cinnamon rolls straight out of the can. They are about the fastest thing you can add to the meal, and oh-so-delicious. I am not even embarrassed to tell you that is a staple for my weekend.

L&L brunch

When everything is done, put them on your cutest plates, refresh your drink, and enjoy!

L&L brunch L&L brunch

What I love about this recipe is how customizable and fool proof it is. I’ve done it with different types of breads or added in veggies- not once has it been a failure! If you didn’t catch on, I’m no whiz in the kitchen [I used the word jiggle]… so it is pretty remarkable I’ve found a way to make it work. Thank you, Christine, for letting me guest post! If you want more ways to live life to the fullest with ease, come visit me at Leopard and Lavender!”

xo, Christine

Cool Summer Days

Top: H&M
Skirt: F21
Shoes: Old Navy
Purse: ALDO
Necklaces: F21
Watch: Michael Kors
Shades: American Eagle
The last couple days have dropped to the 50’s and 60’s here in Utah, so it’s been nice to have a switch up from the short shorts and tank tops.
I’m off to Cali this morning for one of my besties wedding. I love seeing people in love and they are just the cutest. Can’t wait.
Be sure to check here to see if you won the ILY COUTURE giveaway.
…and for those of you who didn’t don’t worry I am going to do another giveaway in a couple weeks so you will have another chance to win 🙂
xo, Christine

Think Positive

Photos: c/o Ciara Richardson Photography

Tank: Zara

Blazer: Target
Shorts: Zara
Shoes: Zappos – Converse
Bracelets: ALDO
Shades: American Eagle


The second I saw this shirt I had to have it. I am a total believer in positive thinking. The mind is such a powerful tool. It can either push you to your greatest success or be your greatest enemy.
Focus on the positive today. Tell someone what you appreciate about them. The more positive you find in your life the happier and greater success you will have. Have a great day everyone!
xo, Christine


Pictures c/o Ciara Richardson Photography. She is amazing!


Dress: Express (old – my graduation dress 🙂
Jacket: Old similar here & here
Shoes: MIA via TJ Maxx
Excited to do our first giveaway! One lucky reader will win a necklace (of your choice) from our shop!
Giveaway ends Thursday at Midnight. Winner will be announced Friday morning.
(Leave a separate comment for each entry)
Be sure to leave your email address with each comment entry so I can contact you if you win. 
(Please use the format ilycouture (at) gmail (dot) com so you don’t get spammed)



I also shared the giveaway on my twitter!
xo, Christine