18 Random Acts of Kindness for Kids


mother and son

Teaching children charity

Splendid tee


charity have a great day

Wes is still learning how to spell so he misspells a lot of things as he sounds them out and it’s my favorite. I love seeing how they think things are spelled out as they learn. It’s so sweet!

random acts of kindness





Mara has everything in the toy room labeled so they know where things go. She’s so organized 🙂

off the shoulder top


white maxi skirt



Today I’m excited to partner with Splendid for their #spreadsoftness campaign sharing the importance of being kind and spreading happiness. One of the most important things Cody and I are trying to teach the kids is about giving and random acts of kindness. It’s not just about money – there are so many random things you can do to brighten and lift peoples’ days that don’t cost a thing.  I’ve noticed when I focus on helping other people, I’m often happier myself and I want my kids to be able to learn that young! Below are a few of our favorite ways to spread softness and some new ideas we can’t wait to try!

    1. Hide $1 bills around some of your favorite toys at the dollar store so someone else can enjoy a new toy.
    2. Let someone ahead of you in line – whether you are in line for your favorite ride at an amusement park, for the restroom at a restaurant, or for a slide at the park.
    3. Round up some of your favorite toys and stuffed animals to donate to homeless shelters and children’s hospitals to brighten up somebody’s day who needs it most.
    4. Leave a treat in the mailbox for your mailman or mailwoman.
    5. Draw pictures for your local nursing home.
    6. Smile and say hello to everyone you come in contact with. It’s funny, if you do this for even an hour at a public place it’s crazy how many people are looking down at their phones. It’s fun to try to see how many peoples’ eyes you can catch to say hello.
    7. Send a hand-written letter to your grandparents. My grandma still writes me letters on my birthday and holidays and even as an adult I still love getting them and she still saves all of the letters I’ve sent her.
    8. Donate books you don’t read anymore to your local library or hospital. It was actually kind of funny picking out books to donate with the kids because even though there were books they don’t read anymore, they were still some of their most memorable books when they were younger.
    9. Write nice notes on a busy sidewalk with chalk for anyone who passes by.
    10. Start to clip coupons and donate the items you get for free to the food bank or homeless shelter. The kids are obsessed wth couponing. Honestly Cody and I aren’t that good at it but they love to go through the junk mail and use the coupons as fake money when they are playing store. I love this idea to help incorporate something they love into ways to help other people.
    11. Write positive sayings on post-it notes and leave them in public places to brighten someone’s day.
    12. On garbage day, pull the neighbor’s garbage cans up to their house once they have been emptied.
    13. Bake a batch of your favorite cookies to share with an elderly neighbor or to drop off at the fire station. Truth be told we actually had to make a second batch because while we were making cards we accidentally ate them all 😉
    14. Pick flowers to give to someone for no reason.
    15. Look for opportunities to compliment everyone.
    16. Pick out some cool socks to donate to homeless shelters. (Socks are the least donated item and one of the most needed.)

I hope these ideas bring you a smile like they did for us and, as cheesy as it might sound, give you a chance to make someone else smile too 🙂 You can make it fun game for the kids by putting up the list on the refrigerator and once they check everything off you can celebrate with a fun family night. There’s really no better feeling than giving back, even in small ways. In honor of #spreadsoftness, Splendid created an exclusive Soft Tees for Softies pack (they are seriously soo comfy) and is giving you a chane to win the set! Click the image below to enter and find official rules here.

splendid #spreadsoftness

We are always looking for new ideas to add to our random acts of kindness list! What are some ways you pay it forward? Leave a comment below or share a photo on Instagram of your act of kindness idea and tag it with #spreadsoftness (Splendid might just feature you as their Softie of the Week!).





In collaboration with Splendid.

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22 thoughts on “18 Random Acts of Kindness for Kids

  1. I love this! You mention some ideas i never thought of. I love the one about smiling to strangers. In this chaotic world, we need much more of all of these. Great Post!

  2. I LOVE this post!
    I am a first grade teacher and we talk about RAK all the time. We often brainstorm lists of things to do. It is also their homework for a month. They have to do a random act of kindness and then report back with how it made them feel and what they are going to do next!
    Great post!

  3. What a lovely post. And I’m wondering where did you get that watermelon towel hanging on ur oven? ??