Neon Casual

Madewell Tee / Zara Pants (old similar here) / BCBG heels (old similar here loving these) / Michael Kors Watch
How are you all? Life has been a little busy the last couple days. Fashion Week is suddenly here, and packing is my enemy. 
When someone finds the key to balance please fill me in. I love the chaos, really I think I thrive on it but somedays it’s more challenging than others. I’m only a part time mom and I still struggle. I know so many of you ladies out there are multitasking, balancing it all and I realized somedays you have to be okay not getting it all done. Let the dishes go undone, skip a blog post, let the laundry pile up another day. At the end of the day family and friends are what matters. Take a night off and cuddle up with the fam, go out on that girl’s night you keep postponing, schedule that pedi you need, take time to refresh so your not overwhelmed.
It’s a constant reminder I need, it’s okay to just let it go sometimes 🙂 
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39 thoughts on “Neon Casual

  1. Exactly! It is OK to let it go!! I think we try to do it all. All the time. And it is not to say that we cant do it ALL because we can, we just don’t have to do it all, ALL the time ;]

    I am so jealous you are packing. I am guessing you’re heading to NY?! Super jelly!! Have a blast!!!

    The Parlor Girl
    P.S. YOu look beautiful as always!!! Love those shoes ;]

  2. Wow, our taste is almost identical I thought when I say your pic on instagram
    I own the same neon tee & same old bcbg shoes lol slight variation of the bf jeans but I just love this look!

  3. I love this look! Perfectly undone casual/comfy! What color is on your nails? I don’t know if it’s a rebellious subconscious mind, but I’ve been searching for the perfect neon yellow (despite inching our way into the Fall)! xx