Double Vested

Top. J. Crew Factory // Fur Vest. H&M // Leather Vest. Young Fabulous & Broke // Skirt. F21 
Boots. Hunter (youth) // Fur Leopard Socks. Hunter 
Ring. ILY COUTURE // Watch. Michael Kors // Bag. ILY COUTURE

I have been looking for a forest green blouse for a couple months. I was so excited when I found the perfect hue during J. Crew’s Cyber Monday Sale. I have already wore it a couple times since I got it which is pretty rare for me to wear the same top back to back. I just love the color.

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22 thoughts on “Double Vested

  1. Oh my gosh, this outfit is so well put together.
    I love your outfits! ♥

    Your UI on your blog is so simple and nice too.

    -Dee n’ Aye