Giveaway: Jose Eber // GIVEAWAY CLOSED

I am really excited to give you guys the 411 on this blow dryer. ย I have alwaysย boughtย the $20-$30 range blow dryers. A couple weeks ago my blow dryer crashed. The handle started getting so hot and smoking I think it was about to explode. I had been noticing my hair was getting more and more frizzy when I blowย driedย it so I thought hey I will invest a little more and buy a nicer dryer. So I picked up a $60 one at the beauty supply store. A little better but still frizz! Then I got this beauty in the mail and literally night and day difference on my hair. 1. No Frizz ย 2. My hair dries twice as fast 3. It shoots out this cool red light.ย 
Jose Eber offers aย lifetimeย warranty on their tools so I bet if you add up how many of the cheap ones you buy (cause lets face it they break almost every 1 or 2 years) you actually spend more than if you just invested in a quality one.ย 
So let’s get down to business:ย 
Jose Eber is giving away one of these Infrared Blow Dryersย to a lucky reader
“I WANNA WIN!” you say, well here’s how to enter:
*Follow Hello Fashion (just click join this site on left sidebar)
*Leave a comment on why you’d love to win this blow dryer
*Like Jose Eber onย Facebookย or follow onย Twitter
*Share this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter
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If you just can’t wait, and need this little guy in your life ASAP, Jose Eber is giving all Hello Fashion followers 15% off any purchase. CODE: HFB15

….aaaaand I followed your blog.
CONGRATS Word up! Email me your contact info ilycouture [at] gmail [dot] com so we can get you your new dryer!ย 
xo, Christine
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400 thoughts on “Giveaway: Jose Eber // GIVEAWAY CLOSED

  1. I follow HFB on Bloglovin :)I WANNA WIN! this awesome blow dryer bc I am a full-time worker, graduate student, on a budget. I work in HR so it’s up to me to always look my best! I also followed José Eber Hair and shared the giveaway on FB.


  2. I would love to have this hair dryer, because my hair is in desperate need of anything to make it less frizzy. Several years ago my (old) hair stylist convinced me to get a perm. BIG MISTAKE. My hair reacted so poorly to it, and was beyond damaged (broken, stripped of most color, looked very much like a red poodle). Even though I know it has grown out now, I feel like it changed my hair’s DNA. Its a mess, all the time! HELP!!

  3. I want to win cause my blow dryer has broken 3 times in the last year and as a poor newlywed/college student I can afford any thing better!! PLEASE OF PLEASE PICK ME!!!!

  4. I follow HFB on GFC :))
    I WANNA WIN! because my current hairdryer smokes when I plug it in…NOOOO! I also followed José Eber Hair and shared the giveaway on FB (kellie rose wilson)

    Thank you!!! <3

    kelliescamera at gmail dot com

  5. I want to win this blow dryer because I’ve been using the same one since 2000. Yup, that’s right – 2000. When I do get a chance to shower and actually blow dry my naturally curly hair I fear for my children’s lives ๐Ÿ˜‰ I might just cut off all electricity or worse yet – burn our house down! BTW: I recently followed you on FB an just LOVE your necklaces! New, big fan!

  6. I follow your blog, and follow Jose Eber on facebook. I also posted about giveaway. I have heard so much about this dryer! I would love to win it, thank you for the chance!

  7. I would love to have a hairdryer that doesn’t fry my hair or die out on me w/in 6 mos. Even my Babyliss Pro didn’t last me more than a year.

  8. Hi. I follow your blog, liked you on FB, and have liked Jose Eber Hair on FB. I NEED THIS hair dryer! I am a recent college grad (=’s Broke) about to start a full time job. I have long hair, like all the way down my back long! This would allow me to wake up at least a half an hour later. The gift that keeps on giving!!!

  9. I’d LOVE to win this blow dryer because my hair is like a lion’s mane some days….super thick, frizzy, and out of control!

  10. Also, I’d love to win this dryer, because for someone with such fine hair, I could never understand why it’s always frizzy after a blow-dry. I usually have to run a ceramic iron of some sort through just to provide smoothness, but it dries my hair out so fast. If a better dryer is the answer, that’d be totally cool.

  11. Oh, man. I NEED this blow dryer so much! My naturally curly hair has been frizzy and staticy the past month because my Conair of about six years is dying. Thanks for the giveaway! And I follow your blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I super curly hair that i love to blow dry straight , but cheap blow driers leave my hair looking fried and frizzy ! I would love this drier to try to tame this mane of curls without all the frizz !

  13. I color my hair and have already gone through 4 blow dryers because they couldn’t cut it. It takes me at least half an hour just to dry my hair, that’s not even counting the styling part. And now with my ombré, seems like my hair gets even more frizzy than it naturally did with my waves. So this would be great to own. I also blow dry my yorkie’s hair, so if it would help take less time away from me doing hers as well, that would be awesome.

  14. First of all I hope the giveaway end son 7/26, otherwise I am entering wayy late! I would LOVE to win this blow dryer b/c my hair is super curly and when I blow dry it, I have a huge frizz ball for hair! I follow your blog!

  15. I follow you on GFC ๐Ÿ™‚ (and have been loving your blog!) I would love to win this dryer because, like you, I have only used the $15-$20 dryers. I’d love to try one that would reduce/eliminate frizz! I have naturally curly hair and anyone who has naturally curly hair knows naturally curly=naturally frizzy when you blow dry! I liked Jose Eber on FB and shared this giveaway on there ๐Ÿ™‚


  16. I have long, thick hair, and with 2 littles I don’t have much time to spend drying my hair. Most days I leave the house with the underneath still pretty damp! I would love a blow dryer that dries my hair quickly and keeps it healthy! What a dream!

  17. I’ve been following your blog for awhile on RSS, and I just signed up through GFC. I would LOVE to win this hair dryer as my hair gets super frizzy when I blow dry it, so I’ve been trying to save up for a fancy expensive dryer, and this looks perfect!

    I also followed Jose on twitter and tweeted about it!

  18. I would love to win a new Jose Eber blow dryer! With the humidity where I live my hair is always frizzy, I need all the help I can get! I also really dislike being 1000 degrees when I have to blow dry my hair! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. My blow dryers are constantly conking out on me and I can’t keep buying new ones. I am also a teacher and have like 5 seconds to get ready in the morning before I head to school. A fast drying dryer would be lovely.


  20. So, why do I want a Jose Eber blow dryer? Because it’s a gosh darn amazing tool! How cool would it be to own one?? No, I’m not a hair dresser and honestly I can hardly do anything with my hair BUT blow dry it, but to own a Jose Eber hairdryer would seriously be incredible. If I won it, I think I would probably find an excuse to get my hair wet every single day just so I could use it (and you may be thinking, uhhhhh don’t you wash your hair darling? but i’m at fault for LOVING dry shampoo). Shower? Yes. Clean hair every day? Not so much ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. I am a stay at home mom to a wonderful 16 month old little boy who is always on the go. I have very long hair and everyone said when I had kids, I would get it cut. No way, no how! I love my long hair but I hate drying it, so if this blow dryer could do it in half the time, I would be one happy mama!

  22. Awesome giveaway! I would love to win because I’ve been trying to reduce the amount of heat damage I do to my hair. I’m sure a really good dryer would be helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. I’d love to win this blow dryer because I currently have a Featherweight by T3 (LOVE IT) and have had it for years, but recently it started making loud noises and I think it is on its way out ๐Ÿ™ I’d love to replace it with this beautiful thing!

  24. I would love to win this because I have a teenage daughter and we are always sharing beauty products. This would be a great dryer to share.

  25. I would love to win this blow dryer! I have really thick hair and anything that would help cut the drying time would be great! It would also be great to help cut the frizz I get after drying.

  26. I would over-the-top LOVE to win this Jose Eber Infrared Blow Dryer because 1) I love this crazy dramatic RED hair color I am currently rocking, but it is so bright that it instantly draws attention to its flaws, such as frizziness and other humidity-induced-traumas suffered here in Houston. The Infrared Blow Dryer sounds like it could remedy a lot of these problems! 2) I recently discovered your blog and am now a diehard follower. To be completely honest, it would just be awesome to win something from you guys because I now hang onto every little beauty tip you send our way! So impressed with all that you do. Thank you for the opportunity!

  27. I have liked the Jose page, already your fan on face book and following by email. Love that you are wearing a neacklace and fully dressed drying your hair. It takes me so long that I get hot so I only dry my hair in pjs. Lol

  28. Would love to win this hair dryer because I need to cut my dry time down. I hardly blow dry my hair anymore because it takes FOREVER.

  29. Great give away! I would love to win because I’m a hairdresser and am always looking for new blow dryers to try out. I’m a follower via GFC.

  30. Crap. I don’t have facebook or twitter or a blog (yes it does exist…)
    and I don’t live in the US or Canada so I can’t purchase that blow dryer.
    WHY ? why do I live in the Europe ๐Ÿ™
    If anyone outside from US or Canada or UK knows how I can purchase that baby : please tell meeeeeee !
    kisses from Germany

  31. fab blog! Just stumbled across it and love your postings

    following you now, follow back ?

    I would love to win this fab hair dryer as my hair takes me about an hour to detangle -lit have a lion’s mane therefore, anything that can help speed up the getting ready process in my life would be a god send!

    Muchos Smiles,
    bb, xoxo

  32. I have shared and followed. I would love to win this blow dryer. My hair is out of control with this summer humidity. I love your site. I am a huge fan ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. I am having issues with my hair getting frizzy and damaged, and I would love an option that doesn’t do either!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  34. I’d like to win bc I’m getting married soon and would LOVE a chance to look extra pretty for all the special occasions leading up to the big day, but especially so I could look good for my Love ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. My hair dryer is at the bitter end of it’s life right now!!! I’m in need of a serious blow dryer!!! I’m 7 months pregnant, and would love to cut my hair routine in half!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  36. It would be awesome if I won this blow dryer! I am a college student so I can’t afford the best hair dryer so I had to purchase a dryer for $19.99 at Walmart ha ha. The hair dryer that I currently have is causing my hair to break off, so for the past few months I have to air dry…which takes forever! I am glad I found your site today ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. I would love this blow dryer! My hair is so super thick and with a little one crawling around I need all the time to get ready! Love your Blog!!!

  38. I would be so excited to win this blow dryer because I have the same problems as you with blowdrying my hair – it gets super frizzy, takes so long, and I feel like they always burn out! I follow your blog and love it, I liked them on Facebook and shared the giveaway, and liked you on Facebook:) I would LOVE to win!

  39. I couldn’t be more lazy about my hair, purely because of the hairdrying. My hair is really thick and there’s a lot of it, so it always takes FOREVER to dry. Even my hair dresser complains that she sweats when she dries my hair because it takes so long. I would LOVE to win this dryer – hopefully then I wouldn’t have to rely on the messy bun look so often!

  40. I’d love to win because I live in the South and it is so humid here. My hair gets frizzy and I would love to try a good dryer to see how much of a difference it can make.

  41. I would be so happy if I won this hair dryer because my hair is extremely thick. My hair dryer always just leaves it puffy and frizzy ๐Ÿ™

  42. I would love this blow dryer because I am going through a divorce and need something as a little treat for myself! Love the blog and all of the ily jewels!

  43. I would love to win this dryer! My hair is thick and takes forever to dry,and gets frizzy. I recently bought a Babyliss to save $, when I really should have just bought this one! Would love a redo and to win this!

  44. I definitely need to invest in a nice dryer. I’m having the same problem with frizz with the one I’m currently using. Also the red light is a sweet bonus!! haha

    P.S. I LOVE your blog.


  45. I purchased a used blow-dryer when I was 15 at a garage sale and I’ve been using it for 10 years. It is about ready to give up the ghost and I really need a new blow dryer!

  46. I follow with GFC. I’d love to win, because I need some major help with this frizz. I’ve tried several blow dryers, but they all leave my hair at least somewhat frizzy. My hair is naturally curly, so it’s really hard to get the frizz under control! Plus, that red light is seriously cool.

  47. I have been reading about this dryer and would love to own it. I was going to wait until my current dryer kicked the bed. I have fine hair and it gets damaged easily – I think this dryer would help in salvaging it. Thanks you for the giveaway. – Colleen

  48. “I WANNA WIN!” because I have super frizzy hair!

    I did this:
    *Follow Hello Fashion
    *Leave a comment on why you’d love to win this blow dryer
    *follow on Twitter
    *Share this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter

  49. I WANT THIS HAIR DRYER!! I am about to start school and this little guy would save my mornings! With the upcoming late night studying, I will need all the sleep I can get, and this will save me some valuble morning time! Keeping my fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. I want to win because my $30 blow dryer has been in my life for too many years. It’s time to let go…and I’d love to move on up to this!

  51. I want to win this infrared blow dryer by Jose Eber! I just purchased/invested in the 25 mm clipless curling wand and the flat iron. My hair is super long and thick, and I’m done damaging it. Ceramic and Tourmaline technologies are coming to my rescue:) By adding this infrared blow dryer, I will keep my hair beautiful and healthy the way it should be! YAY for Jose Eber! My new favorite hair products:)

  52. I would love to win because the one I am currently using is heavy, the dial switches go from burning my hair to super cold, and it takes FOREVER to blow dry my hair. Its hard with 3 kids under 4 to spend tons of time on myself.

  53. I would LOVE to win this hairdryer for my 31st birthday! This working mom could use an extra few minutes of sleep in the mornings (rather than drying may hair with my dinosaur dryer from Wallie World)!

  54. I would like to win for 2 reasons:
    1. My hair has been super dry lately, and I think my hair dryer might be part of the reason.
    2. I would love to cut my drying time in 1/2!


  55. I want to win because I’ve gone through so many cheap dryers and have needed a new one forever!! I am new to Jose Eber products and I’m dying to get this dryer ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. So I just TOTALLY started following you. So exciting! Love finding great, new blogs. I liked Jose Eber on FB, FBed about this giveaway, and I’d love this uh{freaking}mazing dryer because mine now takes forevs to blow dry my hair. So excited!!!

    ericatanner29 at gmail dot com

  57. following and shared ๐Ÿ™‚ i would looove to win this because I have thick hair and it takes forever to dry! i normally end up half-drying it and putting it up in the summer ๐Ÿ™ no good!

  58. I definitely NEED this blow dryer!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I have had the same $25 Revlon for the past 4 years!!! Definitely like you in the fact that I never wanted to spend the money…..just basically waiting until it goes out! My hair is a gross curly….mainly frizz and I just recently got extensions so that really added to my blow drying time!! It takes me forever and I have a one year old and 4 year old and lets just say they are impatient little boys!! I need something to help speed the process up!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and style!! You give us stay at home mommies great inspiration!

  59. I would love to have a great dryer! I’m way too impatient when it comes to drying my hair! And I think the cheap dryers are frying my hair. Sad. I hope I win!

  60. I’d love to win because I nerver blow dry my hair. (kind of ironic) I don’t blow dry my hair because it takes too long! My hair is long & I have too much of it. This might be my answer. Thanks for the giveaway !