Real Talk: What Brings You Here?


Hey guys! Real talk… I don’t post as much as I used to on the blog, and I wanted to see how many of you guys still enjoy coming here for content? ย This has been such an incredible journey, and even though social platforms are where we spend a lot of our time, I’m forever grateful for you following along, old and new, who read here. It means so much! I like the blog because it allows me to share a lot more and write more!

My blog, like my clothing line ILY Couture, has always gradually evolved with me. For those of you who may not remember, I started ILY when I was engaged and looking for some headpieces to wear to my wedding. I couldn’t find what I wanted, so I decided to make my own! From there, it evolved to jewelry, women and kids clothing and more. I remember when I got pregnant with Beckam, we made our ‘Preggers’ tee, and then our iconic ‘Wifey’ tee. Hello Fashion has been evolving also – initially just fashion, then expanding to include family and lifestyle, beauty, travel, home decor, and more. I feel like you guys are truly friends and I love the community we’ve created, so it feels right to share the natural progression of my life.

After having Ollie I did a Q&A on insta and asked what you missed seeing and people said fashion. I hadn’t even realized it but None of my recent pictures on Insta were in jeans, but then upon a closer look I realized I had barely posted jeans in the year prior (part of that was just living in swimsuits and dresses during my pregnancy ๐Ÿ™‚ and it occurred to me how much my brand has grown to be more lifestyle than just fashion. I have always loved fashion and love sharing my new finds with you guys, but as I’ve been trying to reflect on my brand, I wanted to give you guys a chance to weigh in. The last thing I want this to be is asking you guys ‘What content do you want to see more of?” that has been so prevalent this year. But for those of you who read here – what do you love the most? ย fashion and street style? Or do you prefer the family content at home?ย  I would love to hear your thoughts below. And thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for being here throughout this journey of life. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you guys are all staying safe during the quarantine!

XX, Christine

xo, Christine
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51 thoughts on “Real Talk: What Brings You Here?

  1. I love both fashion and family content. A few years ago, fashion is all i cared about. But now with a 9 month old at home, I care about family and baby content too.

  2. Thanks for asking! I am 100% here for the fashion. Not at all for the Family or Home part. Though I think your family is beautiful and I can tell how proud you are of them!

  3. I like all the different company post. Itโ€™s refreshing to read different types of content. I miss seeing more budget friendly options for fashion.

  4. Fashion and home decor. I started reading your blog when I saw you were building a house on Instagram. ๐Ÿ™‚ And when on insta I admired all the cook couple fashion pics with your hubby. Been reading for 3 years ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I love that you still blog, your’s is the only one that I read and it’s refreshing to browse through content that isn’t on a social media platform! Thanks for all the great posts!

  6. I love all of it, to be honest. You share in a way that seems authentic and achievable. So many people give off this I am PERFECT vibe all the time and I appreciate that you share the not so glamorous stuff too. Moms deserve to have glitz and glam and can take care of themselves without being over the top. I love seeing how you mom because it gives me ideas for how I mom. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I really enjoy your blog and check it often. I enjoy seeing it on my laptop verses Instagram on my phone. It’s more relaxing and I could use a little relatation in the morning these days. I hope you keep this blog. Best wishes for you and your family.

  8. I love the fashion and street style content! Iโ€™m not big on social media and prefer the blog content… there are still many of us out here who keep more to ourselves! I came across Hello Fashion when I found myself as a stay-at-home mom with two little boys and realized that the way I had been dressing during my career wasnโ€™t working for my new lifestyle. I googled โ€œmom styleโ€ and a Hello Fashion article popped up. Iโ€™ve been following your blog ever since!

  9. I Love the fashion and the within low budget clothing options. I do love seeing the other skin/eating routines and family content- since it’s so fun to hear about. Personally, I just use the fashion way more often and find myself seeking that. Thank you!!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment – love these ideas for skin/eating routines and I will definitely amp up my fashion content! I’ve found tons of great low-budget options so I’ll be sharing some soon. Thanks for following! XX

  10. I would love to see more how tos. What is your skin care routines? What brands are you using and where do you buy them? Hair how tos. Baking how tos etc etc

  11. I would love to see more fashion! I’m a mom too so really appreciate the baby/family posts, but I originally came here for fashion and would love to see more. Also diet/exercise tips are always welcome! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks for being honest and taking the time to comment! Working on more fashion content and I’ll try to put together a exercise post soon! Honestly I’m not the healthiest eater, but do try to stay active so I’ll put together some content! XX

  12. I really enjoy family content, home decor, and fashion such as maxi dresses and cute summer sandals.

  13. I love all your stuff Christine. Iโ€™ve liked seeing you evolve and change since the days of being featured in Peopleโ€™s Style issue every month. I really look forward to your posts. With socials being so instant and brief, thereโ€™s such a personal component missing. I find that here. Personally, I prefer the bog. Iโ€™ve always looked forward to your style too. Everyone tends to look the same these days. As another commenter mentioned, less expensive style options is always appreciated. Your home stuff is great too. Keep it coming. In short, youโ€™re sharing who you are and your identity as a fashionista, mom, wife, healthy woman, and home owner with us. We appreciate it.

    1. This was amazing feedback – thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! I thought it was super interesting to hear from people who prefer the blog. I’ll work on keeping fashion a key part of my content. Thank you for following!! It means so much! XX

  14. I absolutely love your family and lifestyle, but miss more of your fashion and street style. I will admit you were the first blogger to get me hooked on street style. Incorporate both, but your style is so fabulous we need more.

    1. Crazy! I feel so honored to have been the first blogger to get you hooked on anything, let alone street style. I appreciate your feedback so much – working on bringing more fashion and street style back to my content!

  15. While I love your sweet family, I started following for fashion and miss that aspect. Although I’ve loved seeing you grow, I dont find myself clicking to your blog or ig for fashionanymore like I used to. Miss it! you were the OG!

    1. OMG thank you for taking the time to comment! It’s super helpful to hear, especially from people that have been following for a while. Working on getting more fashion content up on a regular basis! XX

  16. Iโ€™m not much of a denim Jeans wearer so I really loved your posts about your work with Kohlโ€™s! You and your family are delightful. I love your travel posts and content about home decor.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting! I’m loving my partnership with Kohl’s and have lots more posts in the works with them. Hopefully more travel posts before too long if we can get through the worst of the virus.. Thanks for following!

  17. Hi Christine! I love most of what you post. I do agree with another comment though that I prefer the blog to Instagram.

    1. I was super surprised by those comments but so grateful to know that you prefer the blog to IG! Helps me know to keep up with content here. Thanks for following and commenting!

  18. Thank you for reaching out and asking! I found your blog through Pink Peonies and have been following faithfully. I love the clothes segment and have bought several things due to you wearing them. But what I love most is Lifestyle. Your baby boy is precious as are the rest of your family. It’s great when you blend what you’re wearing with posting about family. Blessings, Cate Tuten

  19. I come here for the fashion, but I do appreciate hearing from a blogger with multiple children. I feel as if many Mommy Bloggers have only a single child and so their family life and therefore challenges are different than mine. However, my kids are older so I mainly come for the fashion. I love your style!๐Ÿ’•

    1. Thanks for your comment! We definitely have a unique family situation – wouldn’t trade it for the world! And working on bringing back more fashion content ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for following!

  20. I come here for all of it, originally I came here for the fashion being a fashionista myself, but I love seeing your family and the decore around your house. I also love the travel series, but mostly I just love seeing your face and hearing your writing. I’m still young and in school, so you are a big inspiration and I want to be and the kind of person I want to become when I grow up.

  21. It was the fashion that brought me here, I like your other content too – and congrats on the little one!! But I love your style and look forward to your fashion advice.

  22. Hi Christine yes of course fashion it is what initially brought most of us to you but like you said life evolves and itโ€™s been fun to see your family your travels and other life topics that you cover. personally Iโ€™ve beenEnthralled by your new home! I would enjoy seeing how you decorate and style the other rooms that we havenโ€™t seen or changes that you make. You have a style that I think appeals to many of us. I think we all anticipated that you would withdraw a little considering you just had a baby but I think weโ€™d all be excited to see more of you๐Ÿ˜Ž I think I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate your fresh spin on fashion especially mixing high with low. Thank you and stay safe, stay home!

    1. Thanks for commenting! Working on sharing more of a mix of high and low fashion and I have a few more room reveals coming for the house. It gets a little more difficult to keep it clean with the kids home all day haha but I’ll try to get more shots of the house up soon! XX

  23. I love your content Iโ€™m planning on starting a blog about life and fashion .. then bring my clothing line to the site can you give advice on that?

  24. Definitely the fashion although I enjoy all of it. I enjoy the blog a lot compared to insta. I’m kinda moving away from Instagram, but I’m not sure why. xxoo

  25. I love the everyday style and reading about you and your kiddos. Keep it coming!! Been following for year.

  26. Hi I love your brand and have followed for a while now, but Im curious how do you to it with your kids? Do you have a nanny, f not how do you manage work and kids, especially since your are little? Im starting my second company but have littles now. So as a mom and entrepenuer, I would love to hear about that Journey as a working mom. Your a hard working one at that, so tips tricks, the real story:) Keep up the amazing work! Michele