portland hello fashion blog

Perfect fall weather, layers, and amazing leaves.

waterfalls oregon

matching hunters

beckam leaves

Beckam loved sticking the leaves in the links of the fence. I love this shot of his little hand.

hand in hand

oregon waterfalls

burgundy hunters

oregon trails hello fashion blog

beckam oregon

Cody gave B this leaf and he wouldn’t put it down. It was so cute

multnomah Falls

portland oregon




We took a last minute trip to Portland a couple weekends ago. I had been dying to go to Multnomah Falls and it was everything I hoped it would be! The falls were so beautiful! I am a huge sucker for waterfalls and trees. I went to elementary school in Washington so I grew up surrounded by lush greens so it was a little nostalgic for me 🙂 I was so excited for B and I to finally wear our matching hunters. I got them forever ago but we haven’t had any rain in Utah forever. I also forgot how bad rain (even mist) messes up my hair! I stupidly curled my hair one of the days and with in 10 minutes of being outside it was completely flat and frizzy. So don’t mind the hot mess of my hair in these pics!

We were only in Oregon for 2 days. If I could do it all over I would take like 3-4 days: do a day in Portland, a day on the outskirts seeing all the falls and the gorge, then drive to the coast. I thought the coast was a lot closer and we would be able to see both but it was a couple hour drive. I wanted to share a mini travel guide of some of the spots we loved and some we thought were so so.

  1. Multonamah Falls – It’s about 30-40 minutes outside of Portland, beautiful drive along the Columbia River. There are a lot of little falls along the way you can stop and see too. The trail is super easy maybe a mile hike so it’s easy to do with kids.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
  2. Voodoo Donuts – It’s insane this place ALWAYS has a line. We drove by a couple times and every time it was packed! The locals said the donut shop is more of a hype and sent us to other spots but once we tried the other spots we actually liked voodoo’s better. Cody and I like more of the classic donuts verse the fancy donuts so this was more our style.
  3. 23rd Street – This was probably my favorite part of Portland. It’s a really cute street full of boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. It felt like a scene from a movie, the streets were covered with fall leaves, not super busy it seemed more like the locals out walking around. Almost all the restaurants have seating that faces the street so we got some ice cream and just sat and people watched for awhile.
  4. Salt and Straw – The line is insane at this place too. I’ve decided people like standing in line here it’s crazy everywhere we went had lonnnng waits but this ice-cream was like nothing I had tried before. So yummy! I got Chocolate Gooey Brownie and Cody got a strawberry balsamic or something and both were really good. Some of the flavors had the most random ingredients that you think wouldn’t taste good (like balsamic, olive oil, or blue cheese) but every one we tried was really really good.
  5. Powell’s Books – This is the world’s largest used book store. It’s huge, runs a block long. We didn’t even make it through the whole thing. I love reading with the kids and we get them a book everywhere we go so this was at the top of my list for stops.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
  6. Waterfront – There are so many cool bridges all along the waterfront. We just pulled down a random street and found a spot that went down and had a dock to let B play and explore. There are trails that go along the river as well, but we didn’t get a chance to go on any so I can’t recommend a lot there.
  7. Pearl District – Everyone told us to go here and honestly I didn’t think it was amazing (other than the bookstore). I think I just expected it to be different in my head… it’s supposed to have a good night life (great bars and pubs) but we don’t really go out a ton so maybe it’s cooler at night. Also there was a ton of homeless people. We saw one person completely passed out being drug down the street.
  8. Pittock Mansion – The drive up to the mansion is super pretty if you love trees (especially because it was fall) the colors were rich and the trees are huge. We walked around the mansion pretty fast – but there is a cool look out point you can see the whole city. The woods right next to the mansion are so thick and erie but really pretty. They have hiking trails around it if you want to explore.
  9. Mother’s Bistro – This place is also really busy. We went on a Sunday for brunch so that might have been part of the problem, but the food was really good. I had the crunchy french toast and Cody had the Eggs Benedict. There orange juice is fresh squeezed (my favorite!) so make sure you get that too. The coffee mugs and aprons all say “Call your mom” it’s cute.

Below is a mini video from our trip. If you haven’t already don’t forget to enter the $500 giveaway for the launch of my YouTube here.




xo, Christine
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18 thoughts on “9 THINGS TO DO IN PORTLAND + A VIDEO

  1. Lovely pics..Portland is really beautiful..Right near Multnomah Falls, there is oneonta gorge..It is a short but most beautiful Hike ever..I fell in Love with that place ..The view is just amazinnnn

  2. I loved your video, girl!
    Your family is SO beautiful!
    I live in Oregon and it’s so fun to see it and read about it from your experience!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. I’ve moved to Portland 11 yrs ago, from walla walla where I raised my kids. I moved to the Pacific NW, in 1980 from so cal, the south Bay area of L.A.where I lived almost all my life. I felt I needed to raise my children in a much quieter and more beautiful place, I never looked back, and never, ever regretted it, thanks so much for sharing your beautiful family and your visit to our amazing city. P.s. ssshhh…