5 Girl On-The-Go Essentials

pink sweater

on the go essentials

short hair top knot

grey watch copy

hello fashion blog purse

grey distressed denim

suede louboutins


Hey guys! I’ve shared some of my on-the-go beauty essentials before but today I wanted to share a few more things I always keep on hand to be prepared for those crazy days when you are in a bind.

1. Phone charger: It’s a miracle if I can make it until noon on a full charge these days so I always have an extra phone charger in my bag when I’m out and about. It’s either that or a portable charger – otherwise I feel stranded.

2. Blister cushions: Whether you’re on-the-go, breaking in a new pair of heels, or just have a full day at the office in heels, there is nothing more annoying (or painful) than having a blister rub your foot raw. I am obsessed with COMPEED Blister Cushions. They blend with your skin and lay super flat so they aren’t noticeable. They instantly make your feet feel better. They are available only at Walgreens and they are under $10.

3. Lint roller: Whether it’s a cozy shedding new scarf or your 4-legged friend to blame (cough cough Mio!), I always my lint roller, especially in the winter months when I wear more black! Another quick fix is to use tape, but it takes five times as long so I keep a lint roller with me 🙂

4. Lipgloss: I swear, a swipe of lipgloss is sometimes all I need for a midday pick me up. Nothing feels better than a fresh lip.

5. Stain stick: This is another one of those you’ll always regret not having when you need it most especially when you have kids!



*Photos by Jessa Kae. In collaboration with Compeed Blister Cushions.

xo, Christine
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46 thoughts on “5 Girl On-The-Go Essentials

  1. Obsessed with the color of the sweater with the heels! <3

    Phone charger, lipgloss and face mist! A stain stick is actually the best idea (and no I don't have kids haha) but I'm an expert in staining. Especially when wearing white…


  2. What a fun sweater! I love the texture of it. I hear ya, though. My phone goes dead so quickly. I always keep a charger on me and even then sometimes {when I’m out running around not in the car} it still goes dead! Cute post.

    Sara Kate Styling

  3. Since I am heel lover, I swear by blister cushions. For me, they are one of the greatest inventions. Hehe! My another must have is blotting sheets since I have a super oily skin. I love how you are an inspiration for styling women clothing in different ways.

  4. I swear I bring baby wipes with me even when I don’t have the baby – stuff like that just seems to come in handy these days! Lol I swear by Compeed though – my valentino flat gives me horrible blisters, but I can’t stop wearing them! Putting a compeed pad on before I wear they helps every time!

    xoxo http://www.touchofcurl.com

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