The 5 Things I’m Loving Lately

I know this is blurry but I Love this pic so much because I can hear his laugh when I see it. I love capturing Beckam just being Beckam, and he doesn’t hold still very much 😉

How pretty are these boots!?


Hi hi!!  Today I am excited to share the five things I have been loving lately…  

  1. My new Starbucks drink. I love trying new drinks and always love the new holiday flavors!! You need to try the Salted Caramel Mocha with white mocha and extra caramel! Haha basically its pure sugar but it’s so good. I’m trying to do less sugar right now to help get pregnant – and I have been craving one SO BAD. You will thank me later 😉
  2. Boots!  Now that its so cold outside I am loving all different kinds of boots. The boots in my pictures above that I also shared last week have still been on repeat!  Also loving these, these & these!
  3. Neutral nails – I have been doing gel nails forever but my nails feel so weak lately I took it off a couple weeks ago and went with a super soft almost sheer color. I have gotten so many compliments on them this week!
  4. The book Girl Wash Your Face – I’m just starting it a couple chapters in, my sister and laws and I are doing a book club together on it. I was having a really down day when I started it and it helped me get out of funk and change my attitude – its really good so far!
  5. Beckam and his new love for arts & crafts!  I was an Art major in college so the artist in me has been dying for him to want to get crafty with me. He used to color for like 2 minutes and would be over it and lately he’s been wanting to do all things crafty. His preschool really pushes arts and crafts and it makes me so happy he likes doing them at home now too! He asked for a coloring book at the store the other day and I was SO excited haha. I know it’s silly but I have looked forward to the day we just sit and color by the fireplace.

What things have you been loving lately?!  Hope you are all having a great week!


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14 thoughts on “The 5 Things I’m Loving Lately

  1. The Starbucks drink sound delicious!! Also trying to cut back on sugar but this sound like a real treat! Going to checkout your book recommendation! Sound like the perfect read for the holiday weekend.

  2. Aw those pictures warm my heart! Can I just really quickly say that I have been IN LOVE with your blog content lately?! Keep up the amazing work.
    Thanks for sharing your favs! I’ve been aaall about all things cozy, it has gotten so cold in Germany over the past week and I’ve been just layering up with coats and snuggly knitted accessories. Temperatures are expected to drop even more next week… brrrrr I need to prepare myself haha!
    xx Janine

  3. All of these photos of Beckam smiling are just too adorable <3 🙂 Glad that he's getting into arts and crafts too! And oh, need to try that drink at Starbucks the next time I'm there! I typically go for the chestnut praline during the holiday season!

    XO, Elizabeth T.