Sheer Sunlight

Cody and I went to California last weekend for a little getaway before the baby (only 9 more weeks!). We could not have asked for better weather. It was 85-92 degrees the whole time. It was so nice wearing shorts and tanks again and not being freezing. It gave me Spring fever! 
This was my look for dinner one of the nights we drove up to Santa Monica. I’ve been anxiously waiting to wear this chiffon kimono. Cody asked why I was putting on a nightgown to go out to eat lol. I love his random comments about my outfits, they always give me a good laugh 🙂

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34 thoughts on “Sheer Sunlight

  1. You look so stunning–totally glowing :):) This kimono is fabulous–I love my hubs comments too sometimes ha especially when I wore a very cute “ugly” Christmas sweater, he just didn’t get it 🙂 Gotta love them!


  2. This outfit just screams California Dreaming! I really like the kimono (trust me it definitely does NOT look like a kimono, your husband must be a jokester!). I think the jewelry compliments the outfit as well.

  3. This outfit just screams California Dreaming! I really like the kimono (trust me it definitely does NOT look like a nightgown, your husband must be a jokester!). I think the jewelry really compliments the outfit as well.
    Check out!

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