California Sunshine

Swan moves! Who else likes dancing in the pool πŸ˜‰

pure growth organic snacks

He is so sweet and (almost πŸ˜‰ always offers me some of his snacks. This is the cutest phase, I can’t get over how sweet this chapter is!

child snacks

snacks for traveling
healthy kids snacks

kids sunglasses
He loves sunglasses!! Well really any glasses, and gets the cutest smirk when he puts them on like he knows we think it’s so cute and funny πŸ™‚

hello fashion swimwear




Happy Monday guys! Hope you had a great weekend! We were supposed to go to Hawaii last week but a couple people got sick so we had to postpone the trip. We were still really craving some warm weather (and is there any worse feeling than being prepared for a vacation and then canceling last minute and waking up to a normal Monday morning? haha πŸ™‚ Last minute we saw it was supposed to be 80Β° in California so we found a good deal on tickets and headed down to Newport Beach for a long weekend. We usually make it to California about once a month so it always feels like our second home and the amazing weather never gets old.

B’s been so funny lately! I signed him up for preschool for the fall and he thinks it’s starting like in a couple days so he always wants to wear his backpack now: to the pool, to bed, anywhere and everywhere!Β It seriously melts my heart how excited he is for school!Β He always asks me to “pack a lunch like Mara” so I put treats and snacks in his backpack wherever we go. Β Some of his favorite cartoons are Paw Patrol and Mickey Mouse Club House so I found these healthy snacksΒ at WalmartΒ that have all the characters and cartoons on them and they are healthy organic snacks which is a double plus. It was the best while we were traveling because heΒ could just pack up his backpack with snacks and take them wherever.

He is turning three this week and it’s almost bittersweet! It really is one of my favorite phases but at the same time it makes you realize they are growing up so quickly and that you’ll never get a repeat of those moments but also gets me so excited for what’s to come!

Xx, Christine

*In collaboration with Pure Growth Organic.

xo, Christine
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59 thoughts on “California Sunshine

  1. omg!!! I don’t usually comment but he is so scrumptious I could eat him up!!! I miss that stage so much πŸ™ He is a gorgeous little boy. Enjoy every second!!!

  2. I was wondering were do you recommend to stay in california near the beach we are planning a vacation but are not sure which hotel to book it thrue any suggestions

    PS . your little man is tooo adorable he looks like a toddler model

  3. Love your sunglasses, but it looks like the link to them takes you to the palm print suit – can you share a link to the sunglasses when you have a chance? Thanks in advance!!

  4. so many cute shots! love that swimsuit.

    I’m always obsessed with photography on blogs, and yours is stunning! who takes your photos and/or what camera do you use? <3