
These photos were shot when Beckam was only 10 days old. You will probably get tired of hearing me say it but it goes by so fast. I called the doctor the other day because he had a little cough and they asked how old he was, I responded 3 months. They were like “Ohh he’s out of the newborn stage”. It caught me off guard for a second because it hadn’t really hit me he wasn’t a newborn anymore.
It’s so exciting to watch him change and grow, like his new little giggle when we tickle under his arms, or the number of times he smiles in a day, while other parts I already miss like his baby cry (now its like a scream!) or the way he fell asleep on my shoulder every day (now it’s only every couple days). We’ve finally started to get a sleep pattern down. We were having the worst time getting him to sleep through the night. He was waking up every 3-4 hours, until last week we created a schedule for his feedings and naps  (thanks to some advice from my friend Amber). Its crazy in two days he started sleeping 6+ hours through the night – hoping to get it to 8-10 in the next couple weeks.
Hope you all are having a great week!
xo, Christine
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22 thoughts on “Newborn.

    1. Hi Jessica! Have you tried setting a schedule? Before I was just feeding B when ever he seemed hungry or fussy. He would eat like 3 ounces sometimes and 1-2 other times. I now set it 3 hours apart and only feed him those times and he eats 4-5 ounces each time and thats literally all we’ve had to do to get him to sleep longer. Hope that helps 🙂 Congrats on your little one!